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Winter heating obviously keeps your home warm, but it also robs the air of much-needed moisture. For some people, this parched air is difficult - even painful - to breathe. Dry heat can also cause cracks in furniture and woodwork. With York's complete line of Steam, Power and Bypass Humidifiers, your York Dealer can find the right model to put humidity back in your home, moisturizing the warm air and making your family more comfortable.

Air quality is only a concern outdoors, isn't it?
Not true! The air inside your home can be even more of a concern to your health and comfort, especially in the winter. When cold, dry air enters your home and is warmed to room temperature, the relative humidity in the average house can drop to as little as 5 percent. Compare that to the average 25 percent relative humidity of the Sahara Desert and you can understand why the air inside your home can seriously affect your health and comfort. Since various studies have estimated that most people spend as much as 90 percent of their time at home indoors, there's reason to be concerned about indoor air quality.

How does humidity AFFECT my comfort?
Since the air in your home is always trying to reach its saturation point, it will absorb water wherever it's found. That means it is stealing moisture from the bodies of you and your children, your pets, your furniture and even your houseplants. By giving up moisture to the air, your skin, throat and nasal passages dry out and crack, leading to various physical discomforts. That's why many doctors recommend humidifiers for allergy and asthma sufferers. Research has shown that 30 percent to 60 percent relative humidity is ideal. Outside this range, bacteria, fungi, viruses and mites thrive and multiply. As these creatures increase in number, so does your risk of being adversely affected.

Are there any other BENEFITS to properly conditioned air?
Yes, it can help you save energy! Warm, humid summer air feels hotter than it actually is because of the moisture it contains. That same principle applies to your home in the winter. By keeping the relative humidity inside your home at an ideal level, you can turn your thermostat down a few degrees and still feel comfortable. Dialing down your thermostat just three degrees can reduce your heating bill by as much as 5 percent


  • Manual humidistat
  • Bypass humidifier mounts easily on the warm or return plenum and delivers 12 to 17 gallons per day (depending on the model)
  • A portion of the heated air from the furnace passes through a water-soaked pad where it absorbs additional moisture and then returns for distribution throughout your home.
  • Water is metered across the patented KineticFlo trough. Unevaporated water drains from the bottom of the unit to eliminate mineral buildup.


  • Manual humidistat
  • Fan-powered unit mounts easily on the warm air plenum and delivers 18 gallons per day
  • A portion of the heated air from the furnace passes through a watersoaked pad where it absorbs additional moisture and then returns for distribution throughout your home.
  • Water is metered across the patented KineticFlo trough. Unevaporated water drains from the bottom of the unit to eliminate mineral buildup.


Home Comfort Features

  • Multiple installation options: duct mount, room mount or remote mount
  • Integrated AHU fan relay for on-demand humidification
  • LCD display with numerical and icon driven menu
  • Constant control monitoring and diagnostics
  • Pure, sterile steam delivering premium indoor air quality
  • Digital automatic humidistat
